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Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

Tweak your android into blazing speed

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

We know that android have many application in the world, and android have great hardware spesification. We can pick example google galaxy nexus. this device have multicore pocessor, and 1GB ram, with dedicated Graphics. but if you install many application in your device. android will slowdown. still slowdown. :( in this article, i will share tips and trick about tweak your android device (Manual Version) you will feel that your android is fast, smooth and very responsive :D. Speed is number one (nomer siji).!!

1. File System

File system format is little effect to the speed. but this is tweak. so i write down this trick :D. android shiped with EXT2 partititon. we know that this is older version in linux format. but we can use new version in android device. like EXT4 but your kernel must be support with this partition type. or you can use module of the kernel to support this partition.

2. Dalvik Heap 

Dalvik heap is virtual memory available in dalvik virtual machine (android java virtual machine) if you increase this memory. you will get new speed in your device.

3. Memory Killer Option

Memory killer is automation kill task in android service application. you can change this option if you root your device. but need many knowledge and many experience to make best option in memory killer section.

4. Over Clock

Set your CPU into maximum frekuency. but its make your hardware damage. Over clock our android device will make your android processor and integrated Graphic running in maximum speed.

5. Don't install service based application

we know that android support push notification. you can see that push notification have service in the background process. so we must remove un used service. or your android will very slow and much battrey drain -.-(example : Yahoo Messenger, Facebook, Tweeter, etc)

6. Optimize init.rc script

Location of init.rc script is in the your kernel (ramdisk). they will make your android booting will many step. init directory, init service, init driver module, etc. you can optimize unused step in this init.rc and make your android faster at boot :D

2 komentar:

  1. Mksudte ningkatne dalvik heap memory opo podo se kro DC2SD....

  2. bedo bro... dalvik2sd malah semakin lemot.. sebab. kecepatan internal eMMC lebih cepat drpd microSD clas 10 skalipun..


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